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  Established in 1986 and located in the Hi-Tech development area of Shijiazhuang,the capital of Hebei Province,Xiaojin Machinery Manufacturing Science and Technology Co.,Ltd has about 1000 employees and a well-educated staffs with outstanding managerial personnel,senior engineers and personnel with professional skill.
  Xiaojin—— Aiming to provide the more advanced,more convenient,and more cost-effective automatic filling and packing system solution.Besides,Xiaojin is also willing to offer customised filling system solution to meet the special needs of our clients based on the our professional crew.
  Choose XiaoJin—— Your reliable Choice! Your trustful choice! Your best automatic solution choice!
所在地区:河北 查看电子地图
主办:中国建筑金属结构协会铝门窗幕墙分会 (Email:almencn@public3.bta.net.cn) ICP证:蜀ICP备10002967号-3
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